Large vide-grenier in Flagnac on Sunday and a beautiful sunny day for it. We had agreed that we wouldn't buy anything large - so no stuffed animals, jig-saws or tools. We are looking for some half litre bottles suitable for the walnut oil. I managed to buy a few old photos - here are two
One pretty little girl and two nice looking dogs |
and a couple of large spoons.
On Monday we waited for EDF to come and cut off the electricity as they had threatened. They say we owe them money. We do not. They have overestimated the bills and can't do the sums. They admit to errors and send their 'sincere excuses' and then send another silly bill. We are standing firm and Rufus is ready for them. I did all the washing and ironing just in case. They didn't come.
My friend Johanna posted a lovely picture on Facebook of some Rose Petal Jelly she had made and said it 'tasted divine'. I can do that I thought and we collected some petals from the wild pink rose that grows in the vegetable garden and the deep pink one in the Sleeping Beauty Garden. Both are highly scented. Steep 500ml of petals in 500ml of boiling water and leave overnight.
Then boil for about 15mins and strain into a bowl. Add the juice of a lemon which will turn the liquid a bright colour.
Add 500gms preserving sugar and some pectin if you have it and boil until setting point. From these quantities you should get four small jars.
I have already printed more labels with the correct date. It does indeed taste delicious and another bonus is that during the cooking the kitchen was perfumed with a delicate scent of roses. Place your orders now.
The tent is still standing and I have mended the holes and ordered some waterproofer. Jim is blowing up airbeds as I type to test for leaks.
We were invited to visit Ann and John from Australia who have a summer apartment in Autoire. They visited us last year here with some other friends from Cowbridge.
I think it's a grass snake but you can never be too sure. It was about a foot long.
And this, on the path across the crags:
Common Stinkhorn Phallus impudicus |
When we went back the following day something had eaten part of it and it had collapsed. No other sightings of other specimens as yet.
Common Red Soldier Beetle (Rhagonycha fulva) on Yarrow |
The Nature Walk is full of wild flowers especially the section before it meets the 'rough road'.
Scabious Scabiosa columbaria |
Self-heal Prunella vulgaris |
St John's Wort, Yarrow, Knapweed and Common Mallow |
And walnut oil makes a delicious nutty mayonnaise!
I should have liked to have seen Autoire and the waterfall and that view and have eaten in that restaurant; you make me all homesick now except that it isn't homesickness it is the reverse, whatever that is.