Our brother-in-law Eddie arrived this week. It was good to see him. He came for a brief visit last year on his way back to the UK but he stayed longer this visit.
Firstly, we took him on a grand tour of the Nature Trail including the path across the top.
View from the top |
This old lady has clambered up the route across the crags, without the help of ropes or crampons. It was tough going, but thanks to Daniel and Amelia, possible, although a couple of signposts might be a good idea. Also, it would be good if you could come back, both of you, and put in some more steps and handrails to aid the infirm.
I could see that the only choice with the route was to arrive at the far end of the River field but it would complete the circuit if we could have a bridge across the river at that point and end up in the Pumpkin field. Perhaps that is Stage Three of the Nature Trail.
Beefsteak Fungus |
On the first climb I found this fungus which I identified as a Beefsteak fungus. As it was small I knew I would have to go back a few days later and take another picture so when I did go the second time I approached it from the other direction. The mushroom still hadn't fully developed so I will need to go again. Next week perhaps.
Tuesday evening - we decided to try and find the restaurant on the road to Boisset that we passed last year and thought that it might be good for an evening meal. A bit of research with maps and the internet threw up a possibility and we finally tracked it down - La Planche du Souq.
We had a drink there, and Rufus found a friend but we decided later that the ambiance wasn't quite right for an evening meal - perhaps lunch sometime.
On Wednesday we went to Conques again to show Eddie. Very pleasant sunny day and I never tire of a gentle stroll around Conques taking pictures. This time I concentrated on the incidental details in the buildings rather than the panoramic views.
An evening of Scrabble which we haven't played in a while. I had forgotten most of the 2 and 3-letter words. I shall have to learn them again.
Usual trip to the Maurs market on Thursday and in the evening a meal at Castra Nea in Leynhac. This is a new/revamped place and very nice it is too. We had a wander around beforehand and saw some interesting buildings that we hadn't seen on a previous visit. We agreed to go back in daylight although I did manage to get a few pictures in the fading sunset.
In need of some T.L.C.? |
This looks an interesting building - what was it? |
The meal was good - all served together on one plate (not the desert!) They do lunch which perhaps we should try on another occasion.
We took Eddie to Figeac on Friday afternoon and had a stroll around. There was a small exhibition on in the Musee Champollion, Memoires Indiennes.
We had a look at the facsimile of the Rosetta stone and found a group of children hard at work.
Back home to a supper of fish and chips (homemade) and later three games of Scrabble. I am remembering the small words now.
Back home to a supper of fish and chips (homemade) and later three games of Scrabble. I am remembering the small words now.
Eddie left this morning. He will do the journey back to L'Olleria in Valencia in one day - approx. 9 hours. A long trip. I footled about all day waiting for the broadband to be reinstated so that I could write this blog and Jim progressed with his masonry.
While I was sitting on the terrace in the sun with a book the walnuts were hammering down, occasionally rather too close. The family of great-tits that had previously fed off the bird table have now turned their attention to the mess of cracked nuts on the road and dart out at intervals to peck at the remains. Any sudden movement on my part sends them back to the safety of the hibiscus or hortensia bushes. I love watching them. Rufus has his eyes riveted on the upper branches of the walnut trees looking for squirrels.