Monday, May 24, 2010

A Wedding?

  We were told that there was to be a village wedding. Cyprien thought that it was at one o’clock, certainly ‘apres midi’, followed by that Gallic shrug to indicate he didn’t really know what time. The front of the Mairie was decorated the day before like this:

The Mairie - Fournoules

We decided to turn up at one to see the bride and then go on into Maurs. At one o’clock there was no one about the village. We peered through the windows of the Mairie which was set out inside for a function of some kind. We walked around the village – still no action. We sat in the car for twenty minutes then decided to kill a bit of time by calling on some Brits we had been told about who had converted a barn in a neighbouring village.

Our intention was to leave a note with our name and phone number inviting them to call us if they wanted the contact but we were caught in the act and invited in.

They proved to be a charming couple and I think we shall get on well with them. There was talk of playing bridge, but that means that Jim will have to learn . . .
The barn was beautiful and they now live here permanently.

We missed the wedding, of course, but shortly after our return home the bride and groom turned up at the Moulin and asked if they could have photographs taken. I think they had an image of a chocolate box mill wheel scene and were a bit disappointed but they had some pictures taken anyway. 

Bride and Groom

Peter and Jennifer arrive on Friday and will be staying in the gite. The French family have left – are they going to buy the Moulin? – we are carrying on as though they are not. I have nearly finished painting the little bedroom white, it looks good. I shall start on the kitchen ceiling afterwards when I have finished it.

'Grand Foire' Village Hall - Viazac

We went to another ‘Grande Foire’ - mostly plants and crafts this time. Looks familiar doesn’t it?

I continue to find new flora and fauna.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Peter's Place


This is ‘Peter’s Place that has been mentioned previously. It is a spot, discovered and utilised by Peter on earlier visits. It is on the verge of the rough road overlooking the valley. It has a view of the ruined chateau Merle and gets the late evening sun. A fine place to sip a glass of wine and contemplate nature.  Imagine, also the song of a bird in the trees – usually one we can’t put a name to.
You can just make out the ruin in the middle of the horizon.
Peter used to go here as he could pick up a signal on his dongle if he was lucky. We have dragged two old plastic chairs up here and we rest awhile when we are taking Rufus for an evening walk. Perhaps we can persuade Peter to construct a three or four seater bench out of some oak planks we have and we can all soak in the view and the sun while sharing a bottle or two.
The ‘rough road’ is so called because it is an unmade road continuing the loop from the Moulin up to the departmental road. We never use it with the car it as it has deep ruts and is very stony, but some local people coming down to fish in the river do, in their clapped out Renaults and Citroens.
Last Sunday we went to a ‘Grand Foire’ in a local town, Bagnac. It was little more that a boot fair but at greatly inflated prices.  
Peter and Jennifer know Bagnac as it is where, at Le Hôtel du Commerce, we have had lunch, consisting of five courses, for €11.00. Well, I am sorry to report Peter, that the price is now €14.00 – this includes a bottle of vin ordinaire I should mention.
The chest in the picture above is very similar to the one that Matthew repaired (post below). We thought that the label on it would give the price but it was something in code. We didn’t buy anything except some plants for the garden and a couple of beers.
The French family have arrived to spend four days in the gite. It has rained steadily since. They have three boys, 12, 11 and 8 – all cooped up in the one living room/kitchen. I pray for dry weather tomorrow especially as there is a wedding in the village we have been told. We shall wander up there if it is not raining and report back next time.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Back Again

Since my last posting we have been back to the UK for several reasons. Our planned balloon flight booked for 19th April was unfortunately cancelled due to weather conditions.
My 70th birthday came and went. Thank you for all the good wishes, presents and cakes.
We are now safely back at Moulin du Clout where we expect to remain until the end of October.
After a few hot days a cold front has arrived and it is raining steadily. This is sad because we have a Dutch family staying in the gite for a few days and they are not able to fully enjoy what we have to offer. They are prospective purchasers of the Moulin so we would like them to see it at it's best.

Everything is green now although the walnut trees are not yet fully out.

Jim continues with the vegetable planting and I am taking photographs of flora and fauna and cataloguing them. I haven't yet managed to get a picture of the large Green Lizard which scampers about in the vegetable garden.

Here is a spectacular plant. Does anyone know what it is? It's okay - I do - this is a quiz question.

Before we went home, our son, Matthew came for a few days and painted the living room white and restored an old chest he found in the loft of the barn.

It looks much better now and we plan to get other rooms done the same.

This will now make a useful toybox.

There are still a few more weeks available for rent in the gite - a couple in June and all of September and the beginning of October - see other blog (Gite for rent) for tariff and details.

Broadband and telephone now both working. Any of our email address will reach us and the phone number is: 0033471436173 although for those of you in the UK you can use the number:08442320531 which is 3p per minute including VAT day and night and is part of our broadband package. It reroutes to the other number and does not need the 0033 prefix.
