Tuesday, March 23, 2010

First Week

We have been here a week now. Last Saturday it was very cold and we struggled to keep warm even with the woodburner going in the living room and the electric heaters on. We slept with two duvets on the bed and hot water bottles in the bed.
Now, a week later the weather has improved and during the day the sun is warm and we have had lunch outside. Jim has been planting potatoes and onions in Peter’s rescued garden. If his leeks have fattened up a bit before they arrive in May we may get a meal off them yet.

Today we went on a sortie to plan the ‘nature trail’. We started along the path by the side of the river as far as was practical without climbing. Jim will have to clear a route up the side of the steep field beyond and I agreed to clear all the rocks and debris off the path.

There were a few spring flowers out along the route. Brimstones and peacocks were in evidence in the first field, which I shall call the Redwood field as that is were we planted to the Sequoia two years ago. It is now about four times the size and looking good.

I have been working a little on my OU French Course and managed to get my first TMA done and submitted in the nick of time although I cannot understand the messages that Orange keep sending me on my new iPhone. Serves me right for buying a French one. Jim says I have no more credit and must top it up. I haven’t managed to phone anyone yet or send any messages as there is no signal down here in the valley. Shall try in Figeac tomorrow.

My new number is 0640176280 and the mill, which is working again now, is: 0033471436173. Broadband has been requested but we have to wait for that. At the moment we log on in a café in Maurs or Figeac.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Leaving for France Soon . . .

Thursday 11th
Finally left! Travelled via Channel tunnel, Rouen and Limoges. Trailer no problem except we can't reverse it. Must practice. Arrived at Moulin du Clout Saturday 13th. No problems except phone not working and very, very cold.
Wednesday 3rd
We did plan to leave on Saturday 6th of March but there is still so much to do to leave the house in a rentable state so we have put it off until Tuesday or Wednesday of next week.
There is a growing pile of stuff in the dining room that we are planning to take with us. Shall we get it all in the car and trailer? Do I really need all that knitting?

Thursday 4th
Managed to get outside for a couple of hours this afternoon to tidy up the garden. The harsh winter and Rufus have combined to make a sorry site/sight of it. Rufus has churned up the lawn with his 'handbrake turns' and a lot of my pots have become shattered in the frost. I have also lost several shrubs including the Callistemon which was probably 15 - 20 years old. It was always a bit hit and miss with the flowering probably because it never got quite enough sun but I shall miss it.

Friday 5th
Had my last session of Market Theatre bridge this afternoon. Instead of playing I made a start on cleaning the Theatre kitchen. Got to get rid of those mouse droppings!
Handed over the keys to Nancy who will be in charge during my absence. I told them all I wouldn't miss bridge as there would be so much else to do. We shall see.

Saturday 6th
Spent some more time in the garden - it is a mess. Lost some of my roses I discovered. Jim cleaned out the greenhouse - long overdue. More packing done. Sorted out a route from Calais missing Paris and identified an Ibis at Rouen to stay.

Sunday 7th
More work in the garden. Then more packing. Neighbours round for drinks - luckily they bought a bottle as we have got rid of our drink stash.

Monday 8th
Started clearing each room out - tempted to make it a Thursday departure now as I can't see us being ready to go on Wednesday. Jim took a load to the storage unit.
We still have too much stuff!
